
Barbara (Dobbertin) Englert

-----Original Message-----
From: BJenglert@aol.com [mailto:BJenglert@aol.com]
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 10:04 PM
To: pauline@angione.com
Subject: Edisto Beach gathering

Dear Pauline,
I just received the invitation to the Nazareth class of '66, 60th Birthday Party.  It sounds like a lot of fun and I am wishing that I could attend.  However, John and I will be in Australia and New Zealand from Feb. 21-April 2.  John is working with an associate in Sydney and teaching a course in Sydney and then Auckland. We will have several weeks in between business engagements to tour New Zealand. It is a great opportunity and we are looking forward to it. 
May all who gather in South Carolina have a wonderful time.  I will be thinking of you.
Love,  Barbara Englert