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Still a Class Act Newsletter

Below is some information that was passed out the Kate's house--about the website,
about the mailserve about contacting the college or your classmates--and the Alma Mater
and our Class of 1966 Class Song.

Still A Class Act
Nazareth College Class of 1966: Internet Fact Sheet, Song Sheet, & Contact Information.


How did we find you?

The College maintains an Alumni mailing list that they were kind enough to share with our class. Where classmates had given an email address, we emailed you and asked you to help us find other class members. And, we searched the web, dug out old Christmas cards, made calls, etc.

Website: www.naz66.org

We have our own website! We maintain it.
(That is, it is independent of the college. But there are links from our site to theirs and theirs to ours.)

Who pays for the website?

We do. In the Spring Pauline sends around a request for donations of $5-10 per person to pay the yearly registration and space fees.


Mail your check payable to: Pauline V. Angione
92 Main St, Prospect Harbor, ME 04669. $10.00 or what you can.

How do things get on the website?

Only Pauline, as webmaster, can post to the website.
Send your photos, notes and news to Pauline and she will post. pauline@naz66.org 

You want to communicate directly with class?

Use the email described below.
It goes to about 90 members of the class!

Email the class:

This is an email address that goes to all members of the Class of 1966 for whom we have email addresses. ANYONE who is a member of the class can use it. If you are not now getting emails from the list, send a message anyway. It will go to Pauline for approval and she will add you to the list.

Please include our maiden name so that she recognizes you!

To be sure you get ALL the class emails:

Please be sure to put this email address: 40threunion@naz66.org in your Address Book so your email provider knows it is not SPAM.  This is essential if you have an AOL email address!!!!

Will I get a bunch of SPAM because my name is on the email list?

No. It is a “members only” list. Any SPAM that finds its way there goes to Pauline for approval. And, she deletes it so you don’t get it. And, your email addresses are on the site in a way that website crawlers won’t recognize them as email addresses.

Can I see the list of emails on the site?

Yes, as a Member, you can see the list of email addresses.
Go to: www.naz66.org  Click on Mailing List and follow the links.
No names, only email addresses—for privacy.

What if I want to send an email to only one person but don’t know her email address?

Send email to pauline@naz66.org. Pauline will forward your message to the person you are trying to reach, or email you back that we don’t have an email for that person.

Do I want my work email or my home email on the class email list?

Either one or both can be there. That is up to you. But if you are on the list with your home email you will be treated as a non-member if you try to send emails from your work address.

What if my email address changes?

Send Pauline an email at: pauline@naz66.org
and she will update the list.

Problems? Looking for someone?

With the email list, that is! Contact Pauline pauline@naz66.org and she will do all that she can to sort things out. If you are looking for someone Pauline can probably forward your email to her.

How do I make a donation and/or include Nazareth in my will? (It’s easy. I did it last week!)

Nazareth College, Development Office
Lynn Mulvey     lmulvey7@naz.edu

4245 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14618.
Phone: 585-389-2414      www.naz.edu
Click on Make A Gift

Alma Mater (Circa 1966)

Alma Mater we salute thee
Alma Mater school we love
Make us worthy of thy lofty standards
And thy noble teachings prove

Cheer for Nazareth, college of fame
Chant her praises, great is her name
Raise her colors, Float them on high while singing
Hail!  To the College we love

Alma Mater home of wisdom
Alma Mater shrine of truth
We will always as thy loyal daughters
Bless the mother of our youth

Cheer for Nazareth….


Class Song  (to the tune of “The Happy Wanderer)

We the class of sixty-six, with spirit fond and true
March onward to great victory, in everything we do.

We're the class. Of sixty-six.
We've got pep. We've got spirit that will never die
We’ll be on the top, in everything we do
Through the reception lines, and all our petty crimes
Still we're the class of sixty-six, six, six.

Our alma mater she will be and so our best we'll give.
She'll always be our second home
As long as we shall live.

We're the class of 66
We've got pep
We've got spirit that will never die.
You know who we are.
The class of 66.


Contact Info

Nazareth College:

Director, Alumni Relations, Kerry Gotham kgotham7@naz.edu 585 389 2404
Assistant Director, Alumni Relations, Katie Mahoney Krenzer kmahone3@naz.edu   585-389-2471
4245 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14618
Nazareth College Alumni Website:  http://www.naz.edu/alumni/

Class of 1966

Class of 1966 Website: www.naz66.org

Class Email: 40threunion@naz66.org

Pauline Angione, 92 Main St. Prospect Harbor, ME 04669
Phone: 207 963 2242  Cell: 207 632 4962   Fax: 1 800 851 1374

 30 N ov 2006