

Update on the 5 Year Giving Plan for the 
Nazareth College Class of '66

Update on Class Giving: as REVISED September, 4, 2011

Nazareth will be providing us with updated numbers in September.  In the meantime, they’ve agreed to count as part of our five-year class gift any donations, revocable or irrevocable, identified in our estate planning. That will make a huge difference in what we are able to achieve by our 50th reunion.  I know that several of you have already included Nazareth in your wills. It is very important, that if Nazareth is in your will, you contact Melissa Head at (585) 389-2179 or mhead9@naz.edu  to let her know about your gift. That is the only way it can be counted toward our class goal.  It would be helpful for tracking purposes if you also let me know, katedris@aol.com, when you’ve made that contact. 

Also, in September, you will be receiving a brochure from Nazareth that talks about several different ways of giving, including charitable gift annuities. At our age, a $10000.00 gift would yield a payout of $550.00 a year for up to 20 years. It’s one option that’s at least worth exploring with your legal or financial advisors.

In October, Nazareth has scheduled a seminar on planned giving. It will held on Tuesday, October 18th in the Pallodoro Lounge in the Arts Center from 3:30 – 5:00 PM and will be followed by a wine and cheese reception.   I urge you to attend and check out the possibilities.

Kate, Rochester, September 4, 2011

So far this fiscal year (July 1 2010 – June 30 2011), 79 of us, an AMAZING 54% of our class, have given to Nazareth

The Good NEWS:
  Those donations have added $10,870.00 to our lifetime giving bringing us to a current total of $328,730.00.

  Five years ago, the year of our 40th anniversary, we gave over $30,000.00 

Thought for the Day:
   The only thing worse than having to ask you friends for money, is asking your friends for more money.

Short Term Thoughts:  
  There are several regular donors who have not yet given this year. Many of us tend to donate toward the end of June.  
   If you are still planning to donate, it would be wonderful if you could do it before reunion weekend so we can flaunt your dollars too.
  We didn’t set a goal this year because we’re focusing on our five-year plan.
  As a result, many of us are thinking about longer term giving as opposed to just this year.  
Still, we need to build the base.

Longer Term Thought:
   It is sometimes easier, to give over time.  You can give to Nazareth that way.  
   You just need to go to the website: www.naz.edu and click on “support Nazareth” then click on “Give a gift”. 
   You’ll get a screen that lets you make a one-time gift or set up smaller monthly gifts charged to your credit card

  Come with ideas.  At the PJ party, we’re going to talk about ways to put the "fun” back in fundraising.  
Personally, I can’t wait.

Thanks. So many thanks for all you’ve done and all you do.


P.S. from Pauline. If you are feeling inspired to give now, click here.


Last updated: Mar 11, 2011 pva/ipj